Tuesday, 20 August 2013

A Short'age' Day

Just a Short post today,
Monday, is usually our housework day to do the washing, housecleaning etc

8am, Fern started filling the twin tub and started sorting the washing out, while i started sweeping and mopping through.
9am Check Skype and notice fern parents were on, talked for awhile, but then
10am Power cut, washing on hold, fern rinses what she can and hangs it out, I carry on cleaning plus outside stairs
11am I plug in a battery pack to power the Modem so fern can catch upon emails, i grate a coconut
1pm Fern made some lunch, last of the bake beans from england, I starting making and baking coconut biscuits and a cake, in last 5 mins the gas runs out, so off to the shop for a new cylinder
2pm Hammock time to rest
3:30 Wake up and get ready to go on a return visit
4:30 Back home, bikes muddy (thought we'd take a different route back, not best after rain) Water off  too as treatment plant down with no power so cannot clean bikes
5pm Fern does some gardening, we are trying to increase flowers in the yard
6pm Carry bikes inside, make tea, watch a recording, using torches
7pm Power comes back, fern starts washing again
8pm still washing, and put up extra washing line in the house to dry washing, I start the Ironing, and started recharging as many battery as i can, we had three power outages this week
9:30 finished washing Ironing, now for bed

Sit Down coconut grater
Mmmmm coconut cake and biscuits

Busy Grating

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